Monday, November 10, 2014

It's Been A While, Eh?

Let's just state the obvious here: I suck at posting blogs and keeping my promise to post often...

I've never been able to keep a journal or a diary; I'd get one or two entries deep then I'd get bored with writing about myself and my feelings...ewww.  So this is obviously taking some getting used to on my end.  It does help that there are some people who actually read my posts, and to them I apologize for slacking!  (This is where I would normally insert a promise to write at least once every two weeks or some bologna like that, but we all know how that will end.)

Every time I get back from a trip I think, "Okay Ang, let's get down to business and get a blog written while it's still fresh on your mind!".  That never seems to work though.  By the time I make back the week starts over again and I'm exhausted from having too much fun (yes, I really said that).  And as long as I'm being truthful I may as well admit that my least favorite part about blogging is getting my pictures from my phone to my computer.  I've tried messaging them to myself on Facebook messenger, I've emailed them to myself, and I've tried syncing my phone (which I still haven't been able to figure out-HELP).  It's just so annoying to deal with technology sometimes that I avoid doing what I find even slightly difficult.  Is that silly? Yeah...yeah it probably is.

So here are some of the things I've been up to since my last post:

-I visited Jerusalem
-I took a short vacation to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, by myself
-I have been making new friendships and realizing how much I will miss being in Israel
-I turned 22
-I spent a weekend at the Red Sea in Eilat
-Two days ago I went to Nazareth

I will make posts for all of these topics...soon...i promises though...but still hold me to it!

In the mean time, tata!