Okay, so now it's WELL established that I really suck at making posts...I'm still here though!!
Just real quick update:
Since I last posted: I left Israel and moved back home to Alabama, walked/old-lady-shuffled a half marathon with no previous training with my mother (dumb but fun cause we went on a cruise the next day), have been working on a lot of stuff (including getting my life together and starting to act like an adult-bummer), traveled to Spain with my family, and moved BACK to Israel for a short period!
I will be in Israel for several more weeks and I will savor every minute I have here in the beautiful Holy Land and with the wonderful family I have grown so close to while being here! We actually just got back yesterday from a short trip to Jordan-we went to Petra! --A post to follow shortly on that excursion :D
In the near future I hope to visit Jerusalem again (I still owe y'all a post from the first time I went...oops) and possibly Bethlehem and the Dead Sea! Also in the future, I will definitely be visiting my friends from college to watch them walk at graduation. I haven't seen any of them (except for one brave soul, Brelly, who came down to Alabama to visit me<3) in almost a year-since my graduation last May!! So as you can imagine I AM SO EXCITED FOR THAT.
Until my next post, I leave you with these pictures to tell a condensed version of my life since last year:
Last night in Israel (November14), saying goodbye to my new BFFL.
Starting dating an astronaut.
Power Couple 2014.
Before and after dumbest decision of our lives.
Holding hands while dying. How romantic.
In a glass boat in the Bahamas. |
Being awkward as per usual, just on a cruise ship. |
Snow in Dixie. [[significant amounts]]
Brelly comes to Bama!
The Ozbolt's go to Spain.
Olive grove in Granada, Spain.
Toledo, Spain. I deleted all my 200+ pics from Spain, so these are the few I have remaining.
Cut my hair off again. Gave it to Pantene instead of Locks of Love this time. |
Made some more kewl tapestries. |
Dixie Tapestries |
Just one more... |
Got some new shoes (because you wanted to know that). |
Returned to Israel. |
Reunited with my gal pal Honey Bear.
Who now uses me as a jungle gym. I have no say in this matter. |
Visited Petra, Jordan. *Dun dun dun duuuun, dun dun duuuun...* |
Rode a very tall camel.
Cooking and such. I still suck at taking pics of the food I make. I made this today. |